Friday, May 28, 2010

Chairman Zero: "W-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-h!"

"As Chris Christie (who is not bitching about how tough his job is) would say, If you don't like it so much, quit, you whiny little bitch." Ha!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

John Hawkins : Three Un-American Activities of Barack Obama

Can we just impeach him now? OK, how about next year, after the Republicans regain control of the House and Senate?

Snap! NY Times Exposes Yet Another Secret Operation

What's the point of classifying anything if someone is just going to give it to the NYT? When are people going to start losing their security clearances over this sort of thing? And just whose side is the NYT taking when they print this stuff, anyway?

ALABAMA DOES IT AGAIN… Republican Rick Barber Releases Killer Campaign Ad (Video)

No surrender.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Tale of Two Presidents

Thank you, mainstream media. (/sarc)

Jeff Sessions Responds to ICE's Refusal to Enforce Immigration Law

"If Washington explicitly refuses to perform its official duties in defending one of the states from foreign invasion, the federal government is no longer legitimate."

500 SEIU bully-boys vs. 1 14-year-old.

"Just a couple other things to note: the normally media-loving SEIU didn’t bring the media, the SEIU’s trying to unionize BoA, SEIU owes BoA several million dollars, and the intended victim is himself a Democrat.  AND HOW’S THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, GREG?"

The feral vanguard

"We can work together as free men and women, or depend on the State to loot individuals for the benefit of the collective, until they have nothing worth stealing.  There are no other choices.  There never were."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Seattle City Council approves Arizona boycott

Symbolism, courtesy of

We are no longer the land of the free

" ' "It's disappointing at a time like this that when all Americans need to come together and focus on relief efforts and recovery efforts in the Gulf, someone divisive was placed in a position of power," Bockelman said.' "
No, "[i]t's disappointing at a time like this that when all Americans need to come together and focus on relief efforts and recovery efforts in the Gulf, someone" was excluded from participating in devising a solution because his speech was seen as divisive.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Waiting for the Movie?

"When our country's top law enforcement officials have no interest in either the law or enforcement, and the public media has no interest in holding them accountable, it's clear that our country is in a world of trouble."

Summing Up Obama (So Far)

"Yet the issues continuing to swirl about the president need to be revisited, not only because Obama is arguably the most polarizing figure of our times, but because he is also the most potentially catastrophic."

Monday, May 10, 2010

California: Teacher Orders Student to Stop Drawing American Flag Because It’s “Offensive”…

" ' "My husband point-blank asked her what she found offensive about the picture – the American flag or the words, 'God Bless America,'" she said. "The teacher didn't say a word." ' "

Saturday, May 8, 2010

UCLA Professor Calls For Mexican Revolution in the United States

From the comments: "he should be arrested, charged with sedition and treason, tried, convicted and executed. if what he said ain’t treason, then nothing is."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Papers, Please!

"The common theme, it seems to me, is that the liberals want to make it as easy as they can for you to be dependent from the government, and as difficult as possible to assert your own rights and independence."