Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Government Confiscates Oath Keeper's Baby

Excuse me, but what's the point of having people take an oath in the first place if you're not going to expect them to hold to it?

The Car, the Ditch, and the Slurpee

Satire, by way of No Sheeples Here:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Unhappy Meal

"None of this should come as a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to Obamacare. It has always been about killing the private insurance industry. It has always been anti-business. It was always going to raise costs and decrease quality of care. It has never been about medicine, and always and exclusively been about seizing power over our lives."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Didja Hear the One About the Dead High School Football Star?

" 'To be honest with you, I’m having a very hard time trying to understand why Representative Zoe Lofgren invited you, to speak on this serious issue! Perhaps she too thinks illegal immigration is a laughing matter! She seriously needs to be replaced!!' "

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Instapundit on Growing the Middle Class

"Subsidizing the markers doesn’t produce the traits; if anything, it undermines them."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Obama v. Boehner?

"This is the very definition of sliding-off-a-cliff, grasping-at-saplings desperation."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sebelius: insurers who criticize ObamaCare may get locked out of system

"Does ObamaCare trump the First Amendment?  HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius must think so."

Fear of the Nazi Street

"The top American commander in Normandy has warned that plans by a small Florida church to burn copies of Mein Kampf on Tuesday, the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Russia, could play into the hands of the very extremists at whom the church says it is directing that message."

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Who are the Real Bigots?

"This is not about bigotry. This is about the media's moral and physical cowardice in refusing to stand up to actual bigotry around the world. And the victims of their silence include both non-Muslims and Muslims. Meanwhile the media can continue shrieking about bigotry. It will not win them the argument, all it will do is further devalue the accusation. Because you can only cry wolf for so long, until people stop paying attention. And when you refuse to cry wolf at an actual predator, while crying it at everyone you dislike, then no one will end up listening to you at all."

Sharia and the United States Constitution *UPDATED*

"One of the blessings of the Constitution over the years is the way in which people have been able to practice their religion freely, even while living within the Constitution’s parameters.  Nothing in the Constitution runs afoul of Judeo-Christian faiths, Hinduism, Shinto-ism, and other religions that don’t involve animal or human sacrifice.  The Constitution, in other words, meshes nicely with God."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Imam Rauf Tells Non-Muslims to Submit to Islamic Terror, Do Not Use Word allah

"The statement: '... using the word Allah to mean the Christian God may be ... legally correct, but in the context of Malaysia, it is socially provocative ...' appears to Rauf to be a perfectly acceptable comment. Why then is a statement along the lines of: 'constructing a 13 story mega-mosque right next to Ground Zero may be legally correct, but in the context of New York, it is socially provocative' considered to be Islamophobic bigotry of the highest order?"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CNN Trots Out Brand Spanking New Argument In Favor Of Mosque; So Delighted With Its Novelty, They Run With It All Day

I ask because I thought the rule was that an understandable revulsion to the memory of an emotionally-wounding time was enough to win out over a noisy, self-promoting group's determination to advertise its views in a prominent, highly-symbolic area... but now I find that's not so true, not so true.

Ann Coulter On International Law and Anchor Babies


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thomas Jefferson & The Barbary Pirates

"The line 'To the shores of Tripoli' refers to the First Barbary War, specifically the Battle of Derne in 1805."

Noemie Emery: Let's just appreciate the great Obama presidency

By way of CommentaryMagazine: "How brilliant are these strategists there at the White House, and how canny at reading the mood of the people? How wise is this strategy of giving them what they don't want, and then, when they complain about it, telling them to shut up, and keep giving them more?"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why is liberalism such a bankrupt philosophy?


Standing on a landmine

By way of Gateway Pundit--"But for Obama, there are some groups who must be denied the same civil rights he upholds as absolute in his defense of the plan to build a mosque at Ground Zero. As Obama has made clear since his first days in office, he believes that Jews should be denied the right to their property in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria simply because they are Jews."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Three Americas – How Long Can it Last?

"And what happens when the ruling class runs out of other people's money, leaving the dependent class despondent and empty handed?"

Islam Means the End of Religious Freedom

"Religious freedom requires that the religions which enjoy it, agree to tolerate each other. If they do not, instead of religious freedom, there is a religious war."

Long Tubular Heads Leave Little Room For Brain Capacity

"If Islam were to build a mosque directly on Ground Zero, would you ever begin to question whether a religious organization that could commit such a morally and ethically contemptible act should continue to be recognized as a protected group under our constitution? At what point would you declare that this group not have the constitutional protections of a religious group?"

Friday, August 13, 2010

Does Religion Harm Homosexuals?

"The mere fact that my faith holds that homosexual sex is intrinsically disordered is considered evidence of [an illegal conspiracy to deny equal rights] – no credence is lent to the possibility that my faith might be right and gay activists might be wrong. It is taken as a given that homosexual sex is morally equal to heterosexual sex and thus any failure to accord homosexuality the same privileges as heterosexuality is wrong."


"Some people know that if the lookouts aboard Titanic had spotted the iceberg as little as five or six seconds earlier, Titanic would have been able miss that wall of ice by a few feet and would have survived to come home. But very few people know that if those lookouts had spotted that iceberg only five or six seconds later — Titanic still would have survived."

The True Cost of a Volt

"Since 2012 production will be scaled back if early sales are disappointing, it might be more logical to add the subsidies to the first 10,000 units only, which would leave early adopters outside of California paying $33,500 for a car which actually costs $81,000 per unit, with taxpayers picking up the remainder."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Something Has To Be Done About This Out Of Control Global Warming!

"The children. My God, the little babies. Such a loss..."
"[T]he most blatant and extreme case of climate data fraud yet seen."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quote of the Day (So Far!)

"What remains to be seen is whether the imperatives of office drive Obama to move rightward like his predecessors, thus alienating the New Class. Or whether the combination of economic doldrums and an unpopular liberal agenda lead the American people to reject him first." Our only hope as a country is for enough people to join conservatives in rejecting him.

Chart: Proof America Is A Center-Right Nation

Interesting chart.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

About That ‘Surplus’ Bush Inherited

" 'The Clinton surplus was nothing more than CBO projections based on false assumptions. Look it up.' "

Monday, July 19, 2010

American Jeopardy: What is Fascism?

By way of Doug Ross (I don't get out to AT nearly enough anymore).

Fascism, Defined

"Any conceptual linkages between the words and images are the responsibilities of the reader."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When is a Tax Increase Not a Tax Increase?

"Just one more way that the President and his allies lied about this bill to get it passed."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Even Some Liberals Aren't Buying Obama's Economic Spin

""How much harder can running a 14 Trillion dollar economy be versus cleaning up an oil spill or running an automotive rebate program?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Obama's Oil Spill Clusterfrak Continues

"Obama fanboys step up. Defend the competence of your mighty community organizer! Come on, step up. Don't be shy."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Note To Chris Matthews: Why Rush Limbaugh Is a Success

"It's kind of ironic that the same mainstream media that demonizes Rush is the one who created a need for him."

Home Depot Again Supports Immersing Children in Homosexual Depravity

"Someone get the word to the militant moonbats in charge that today's market is so diverse, it even includes decent normal people disgusted by our liberal rulers' attempts to turn America into Sodom. ... The moral of the story: shop at Lowe's."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Bully's Pulpit

"This is a case where the imperial whim of the President, and the shrewd business acumen of BP, joined forces in the ultimate inside-the-beltway deal."

Are Liberals Breaking Up with Obama?

"When a republic elects an executive leader and commander in chief based on little more than an ethereal charisma, that nation gets what it deserves -- a celebrity president who takes his office about as seriously as the fawning crowds took their votes. Upon such idiotic decisions great civilizations do indeed fall."


It's just sad that we have such an inept man for President.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The TOTUS Made Me Do It

" 'Obama simply had no sense that being President is actually a job that requires skills at governance. He never ran a single thing in his life. It shows. He still thinks governance is giving a speech.' "

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I, Ace of Spades, Also Care Deeply About Obamatrina

Because, with progressives, what matters are intentions.

Obama 2007: "I'll talk to Iran without preconditions." Obama 2010: talking to BP CEO is a waste of time under any conditions!

Pray that it's not too late to undo all the damage Obozo is causing--intentionally?

Shades of Ray Nagin's schoolbuses: miles and miles of oil booms sit unused in warehouses

Is incompetence an impeachable offense?

Interesting Article On Post-Holocaust Europe

" 'Well, I don’t know about "everywhere else," but after World War II, many Jews did attempt to "go home" to Poland. This resulted in the murder of about 1,500 of them — killed not by Nazis but by Poles, either out of sheer ethnic hatred or fear they would lose their (stolen) homes.' "

New Film, ‘The Lottery’: Unions Destroying American Education

Public-sector unions suck.

ObamaCare could wipe out health insurance for 1 million low-income workers

From the comments, the Cloward-Piven strategy: "Destroy the existing structure. Have a vacuum. Then come in with your own plan."

Gaza Flotilla Organizer at Hamas Rally: “Anyone Who Does Not Stand With Palestine Will Be Toppled… World Is Progressing to Islam” (Video)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Chairman Zero: "W-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-h!"

"As Chris Christie (who is not bitching about how tough his job is) would say, If you don't like it so much, quit, you whiny little bitch." Ha!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

John Hawkins : Three Un-American Activities of Barack Obama

Can we just impeach him now? OK, how about next year, after the Republicans regain control of the House and Senate?

Snap! NY Times Exposes Yet Another Secret Operation

What's the point of classifying anything if someone is just going to give it to the NYT? When are people going to start losing their security clearances over this sort of thing? And just whose side is the NYT taking when they print this stuff, anyway?

ALABAMA DOES IT AGAIN… Republican Rick Barber Releases Killer Campaign Ad (Video)

No surrender.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Tale of Two Presidents

Thank you, mainstream media. (/sarc)

Jeff Sessions Responds to ICE's Refusal to Enforce Immigration Law

"If Washington explicitly refuses to perform its official duties in defending one of the states from foreign invasion, the federal government is no longer legitimate."

500 SEIU bully-boys vs. 1 14-year-old.

"Just a couple other things to note: the normally media-loving SEIU didn’t bring the media, the SEIU’s trying to unionize BoA, SEIU owes BoA several million dollars, and the intended victim is himself a Democrat.  AND HOW’S THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, GREG?"

The feral vanguard

"We can work together as free men and women, or depend on the State to loot individuals for the benefit of the collective, until they have nothing worth stealing.  There are no other choices.  There never were."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Seattle City Council approves Arizona boycott

Symbolism, courtesy of

We are no longer the land of the free

" ' "It's disappointing at a time like this that when all Americans need to come together and focus on relief efforts and recovery efforts in the Gulf, someone divisive was placed in a position of power," Bockelman said.' "
No, "[i]t's disappointing at a time like this that when all Americans need to come together and focus on relief efforts and recovery efforts in the Gulf, someone" was excluded from participating in devising a solution because his speech was seen as divisive.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Waiting for the Movie?

"When our country's top law enforcement officials have no interest in either the law or enforcement, and the public media has no interest in holding them accountable, it's clear that our country is in a world of trouble."

Summing Up Obama (So Far)

"Yet the issues continuing to swirl about the president need to be revisited, not only because Obama is arguably the most polarizing figure of our times, but because he is also the most potentially catastrophic."

Monday, May 10, 2010

California: Teacher Orders Student to Stop Drawing American Flag Because It’s “Offensive”…

" ' "My husband point-blank asked her what she found offensive about the picture – the American flag or the words, 'God Bless America,'" she said. "The teacher didn't say a word." ' "

Saturday, May 8, 2010

UCLA Professor Calls For Mexican Revolution in the United States

From the comments: "he should be arrested, charged with sedition and treason, tried, convicted and executed. if what he said ain’t treason, then nothing is."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Papers, Please!

"The common theme, it seems to me, is that the liberals want to make it as easy as they can for you to be dependent from the government, and as difficult as possible to assert your own rights and independence."

Friday, April 30, 2010

Democrats to American Workers "Show Us Your Papers!"

From the comments: "Inconsistent reasoning patterns is one of the most prevalent symptoms of a mind infected with liberalism."

See You In Novemeber

Awesome awesomeness--the song, not the spelling...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nannies in Power

Liberalism is its own religion.

Brooks Struggles to Figure Out What Went Wrong

Again, Brooks calls the Obama administration "pragmatists" like that's a good thing.

Devil in the Details

"To help strengthen his push for greater regulation of Wall Street, Barack Obama is demonizing Goldman Sachs as being corrupt and not looking out for 'the little guy.' Then who has Goldman Sachs been looking out for? Oddly enough, it's Barack Obama."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sarah Palin: Institutionalizing Crony Capitalism

Companies like Goldman Sachs--and General Electric--like working with government to craft regulations because the tighter regulations raise the barrier to entry by competitors.

Guess What - We Agreed To Trade Nukes For Non-Nukes

"Verification with the Russians and Chinese to prevent a destabilizing effect is one thing. Counting conventional weapons the same as nuclear weapons, however, is nonsensical."

The Numbers Were A Lie All Along

"Now it makes sense. The Democrats refused to delay the vote on Obamacare even though the Medicare Actuary was not able to complete his analysis and cost estimates in time for the vote. In light of this report, it is clear why the Democrats didn't want to wait. They could game the CBO, but not the Medicaire Actuary."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Circular Reasoning Behind Manmade Global Warming

...or lack thereof.

About GM’s supposed debt repayment

"With this administration, question everything. Heck, with any administration, question everything - but it seems it is an especially important thing to do with this one. And when it comes to politics take nothing the press says at face value - ever."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 » Blog Archive » Stimulating Microsoft

We already have a tool to help Americans reduce the national debt–it’s called the ballot box. Stop the spending.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NBC: Screw Your Neighbors -- Walking Away from Your Mortgage is 'Ethical,' 'Good Business Decision'

So whose fault is it, exactly, that the bank "lent you more than you could afford"? Nobody's but yours.

Goldman Sachs Much Bigger Donor to Obama Than Enron Was to Bush

"When the phony song and dance of the coordinated White House/SEC/DNC/liberal media attack on this bloated bailout beneficiary is over, 'finance reform' will have given us another hard shove toward socialism, Goldman Sucks will have even more money, B. Hussein will have even more power, and Americans will have even less of the freedom we need if we're ever to climb out of the hole our corrupt and authoritarian rulers are digging."

Matthews: Republicans Like Rubio Taking Part in 'Stalinesque' Purge of GOP

Um, yeah, except for the making people "disappear" and the making people "dead" bits...

Monday, April 19, 2010

NYT: ObamaCare will drive up costs, burden the healthy

"If nothing else, this proves a couple of points that critics have made all along.  The mandates are nothing more than a way to get the young to create a proxy welfare state by forcing them into a usurious insurance model.  It does nothing to reduce actual costs, and in fact makes cost increases both more likely and more amplified."

The latest “human right” — tourism!

"The rich, of course, will still have the resources to travel anywhere they wish.  Only those whose higher taxes eats away at their disposable income to the point where planned vacations become impossible will be left at the mercy of their elites in Brussels, who apparently don't trust adults with the decision on where to vacation."

Conyers: “Teabaggers” have compromised their rational faculties with anger

"This is unvarnished nanny statism, as condescending as you'll ever hear it formulated."

Obama on Global Rebalancing: Americans Are Not Going to Be in Same Position (Video)

The hell you say.

Why The Left Must Destroy The Tea Party Movement

"The problem for the corrupt leadership running America, of course, is that they need to convince voters to vote for them so they can turn around and pay off the big money folks who get them elected. It's an unholy alliance and the American people are fed up."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

How Romney Could Kill the ObamaCare Repeal Movement

Palin 2012.

Now Clean Air Causes ‘Global Warming’


Another screw-up heard from: DemCare Bill forgot to include a religious exemption clause

"How many other mistakes have the master planners made? How many omissions have the geniuses, who think they can proscribe the operation of one-sixth of the economy, made?"

New Study: Ridiculing al-Qaeda actually is an effective weapon

Obama must have taken this study to heart, because he’s certainly investing a lot of energy into ridiculing the TEA Party movement. Somehow, I don’t think it’s going to work.

Gates Says U.S. Lacks Policy to Curb Iran’s Nuclear Drive

What's the point of marking the analysis "highly classified" if you're going to let the NYT report on it? Does this bother anyone else but me?

The new currency is obedience

Millions of people have decided not to just "sit quietly".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

He Has Seen The Enemy, And It Is Israel

One can only hope that, before too long, the scales will fall from the eyes of American Jews and Obama will have become the uniter he promised--just not in the way he meant.

Henry Waxman Chickens Out On CEO Hearings

"Democrats do not care about jobs or the economy. They only care about power and control, and those of you out there who support the Democrat agenda as it stands today are, to put it mildly, massively deluded and idiotic, as you support the destruction of your future and that of your descendants."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obama and His Administration Lament America’s Superpower Status | RedState

Gee, I don't know about you, but I kinda like being a dominant military superpower. It sure beats being a subservient pacifist has-been.

Media malpractice, then and now | NewsReal Blog

Media bias. Be sure to read the rest of the story.

The Democrat Race Lie | Bob Parks: Black & Right 2010

"So the next time any Democrat claims they've been supportive of civil rights in America (and been so all along), ask them to explain their past. 'We've grown' is not gonna cut it, considering they continue to lie about their past to this day."

SEIU invested tens of millions on Obama and DemCare in order to replenish its woefully underfunded pensions -- on your dime

"DemCare was designed, first and foremost, to reward the SEIU. It's not about health care. It's about the redistribution of tax dollars from your wallet into the unions' coffers. And, no matter how these central
planners, these masterminds, swirl the money around, their unfunded pension liabilities will crush taxpayers as certainly as night follows day."

USA Today's Biskupic Sees SCOTUS of 'Ideological...Conservatives' and 'Pragmatic Liberals' |

It'd be more accurate to call them idealistic conservatives rather than ideological conservatives. And what's so great about being pragmatic anyway? (See my other blog for a post on this term.)

Moonbattery: Morning Briefs for Tuesday Item #1: What We Call Common Sense They Call Heartless Greed

"If it's so bloody important, then why not take the money out of the stimulus pork like Republicans wanted to do?"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Party of No

" 'Democrats say no to balanced budgets. They say no to lower taxes. They say no to smaller government. They say no to states' rights. They say no to gun rights. They say no to the rights of the unborn. They say no to sensible immigration laws. They say no to policies that would encourage private-sector job growth. They say no to tort reform. They say no to sensible, targeted health care reform. They say no to pro-growth environmental regulations. They say no to education reform that rewards results instead of teachers' unions. They say no to bipartisanship. They say no to moderate nominees for federal courts. They say no to ending affirmative-action handouts, preferences and quotas. They say no to welfare reform. They say no to tough laws for criminals. They say no to a strong national defense. They say no to families. They say no to faith.' "

Letter to Steve Jobs

" 'Your company is an American one, built on the greatness that is America, though like so many others you choose to manufacture your products in Asia. You want Americans to buy your products, ogle over their cool factor and regard them as hip and desirable, yet you run down and fail to support the only American news outlet that actually offers something other than sycophantic tripe while simultaneously extolling non-existent virtues of a murderous communist like Guevara.' "

This Ain’t Reagan Country

Check out the pic.

New Live Action video uncovers more manipulative counseling at Planned Parenthood

"Like I said, Planned Parenthood doesn’t have counselors. They have salespeople. Notice how this woman uses a technique you might recognize if you’ve ever bought a vehicle from a dealership, ever. It’s the 'buy it now, because this offer won’t be available tomorrow!' technique. The salesperson tries to rush you into doing it right away, because they know you’re less likely to make the deal if you wait until later."

GOP Official & Boyfriend Savagely Beaten In Politically Motivated Attack – Including Broken Leg, Jaw, Concussion… Media Silent (UPDATES)

They beat her and broke her leg--and beat her boyfriend, too--because they were wearing Sarah Palin pins?!?!?

Confirmed: Roosevelt Ended the Great Depression… When He Died


Monday, April 12, 2010

NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys

Oh, just homeschool!

NYT: ObamaCare may have accidentally stripped Congress of health coverage

"I meant to do that."


"Thanks to idiot lawyers, who think it makes them sound smart to say 'Black is white' and 'Up is down,' one of the biggest problems in society today is the refusal to draw lines. Here's a nice bright line: Holding malevolent signs outside the funeral of an American serviceman who died defending his country constitutes intentional infliction of emotional distress."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

John McWhorter found Sarah Palin childish for using the "distancing" word "that," so what would he have to say about Abraham Lincoln?

Actually, John McWhorter just seems childish for seeing bogeymen in everything she says.

Half-Term Quitter Governor Forces Most Super-Amazing President EVER to Backtrack on Nuke Policy

Gotta love the title of this one...

Moose Hunter Bags Community Organizer… Obama Retreats on Nuke Plan

Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

Set the Wayback Machine to 'Depression Era', Mr. Peabody!

"Of course, one way to achieve some level of fiscal sanity is to outlaw public sector unions; fire the EPA, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Education, the Department of Labor and a few other useless agencies; and downsize Congressional staffers to one apiece." Amen.

Global Warming: Two Photos That Prove It's a Scam

Epic. Scam.

Larwyn's Linx QOTD

Read the quote of the day from James Taranto at the bottom of this post:

Medical Detective

Just one more example of why the world needs the US to have a free market economy.

John Hawkins : 5 Ways Liberals Misjudge the American People -

" 'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so.' -- Ronald Reagan"

Newsweek Editor Promotes Obama View that Opponents Are 'Afraid of the Future,' and Oppose Greater 'Understanding' |

"Neither Obama or the journalists who adore him seem to grasp that conservatives aren't anxious about 'change' – they're anxious about crushing debt, and America's lunge toward European-style socialism."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

President Weirdo

And may God help us.

The Karzai Fiasco -

Is Obama trying to turn Afghanistan into another Vietnam?
"This treatment of an ally eerily echoes the way the Kennedy Administration treated Ngo Dinh Diem, the President of South Vietnam in the early 1960s. On JFK's orders, U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge refused to meet with Diem, and when U.S. officials got word of a coup against Diem they let it be known they would not interfere. Diem was executed, and South Vietnam never again had a stable government."

HCR: Pelosi tells the simple-minded American people not to worry our pretty little heads about it

Because if you knew how it worked, you'd be angry.

Moonbattery: Greenspan: Moonbattery Set Off Financial Crisis

Isn't this a little like closing the barn door after the horse has run off?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moonbattery: Moonbat Calls for Execution of Patriots

Surely the second bit has to be some lame attempt at satire, doesn't it? The guy can't really be serious, can he?

Moonbattery: Obama's Nuclear Deterrence Strategy: Non-Deterrence

"Since World War II, smaller countries have forgone the acquisition of deterrent forces -- nuclear, biological and chemical -- precisely because they placed their trust in the firmness, power and reliability of the American deterrent. Seeing America retreat, they will rethink. And some will arm. There is no greater spur to hyper-proliferation than the furling of the American nuclear umbrella."

Ideologues Form Third Party to Oppose Moderates

This is teh awesome.

Maine Freaks Rights Commission Demands Unisex Bathrooms and Locker Rooms for Schools

Just homeschool.

No Nukes Is Good Nukes

Nothing good can come from this. No state that was contemplating developing nuclear weapons is going to stop based on the current administration's assurance that we won't respond with nukes to a non-nuke attack since, surely, the next president will reverse this policy change. President Obama is a naive fool.

Famous Last Words

"You can't 'connect the dots' if you insist that they're only dots."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

» The Black Guy in Chief - Big Government

"Perhaps instead of the White House, we should have just given him a bowling trophy."

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Official - We Will Not Bring Nukes To A Chem or Bio Weapons Fight

"Sheer lunacy. What doesn't Obama understand about 'deterrence.' That means that nations which possess chemical and biological weapons will not even think about using them against us because the consequences would be so devastating for them."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

MassCare Gamed By Short Term Customers

Gee, I guess ObamaCare works just like auto insurance, after all--buy auto insurance, register your car, and then drop it; buy health insurance, have surgery, and then drop it. Lovely.

Liberal Media Bias: NYT Conflates Tea Party With Terrorist 'Weatherman Underground' In Pic

Bias. Oh, and just in case you didn't catch it, Weatherman Bill Ayers was later a mentor to BHO. Yee-haw. By the way, how many bombings have been attributed to Tea Partiers? None.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Moonbattery: Theophobe Leader Fears the End of Christianity

"And the thing about secular atheists is while they are willing to live for a hedonistic welfare state, they aren't willing to fight and die for one. This puts them at a grave disadvantage against those who will fight and die for what they believe."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Identified: IBEW Thug Jesse Walker Attacked Tea Party Express Bus

"How can you provide evidence of something that never happened? This is [a] prime example of the liberal bias in the media – spread the allegations of racism against conservatives as fact with no evidence then slam a conservative who disputes the allegations for not providing any evidence that it didn’t happen."

Lawrence Eagleburger on Obama: He’s Playing With Fire, Playing With Dynamite & Doesn’t Seem to Understand It (Video)

Well, duh!

Moonbattery: The First of the ObamaCare Side Effects

" 'That is a full third of AT&T's $3 billion earnings for the fourth quarter of 2009.' "

Marxist Code Pink Protesters & Top Obama Bundler Shut Down Rove Book Signing — Media Silent (Video)

" 'The Code Pink mobsters have been waging these in-your-face attacks for years without so much as a peep of outrage from the selective NYTimes/MSNBC/Democrat civility police.' "

Monday, March 29, 2010

Muslims Attack Christianity At Trinity University

I'm surprised they don't want diplomas from Trinity University without the word Trinity on them, too. Not everybody believes in the Trinity, either; Muslims aren't into that whole God-in-three-persons idea.

The Lone Gunmen

I find it interesting that, in at least one shot, the guy with the sign is on the other side of a fence from the rest of the protesters—almost like he was not part of the group.