Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Obama's Oil Spill Clusterfrak Continues

"Obama fanboys step up. Defend the competence of your mighty community organizer! Come on, step up. Don't be shy."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Note To Chris Matthews: Why Rush Limbaugh Is a Success

"It's kind of ironic that the same mainstream media that demonizes Rush is the one who created a need for him."http://rightwingnews.com/2010/06/a-note-to-chris-matthews-why-rush-limbaugh-is-a-success/

Home Depot Again Supports Immersing Children in Homosexual Depravity

"Someone get the word to the militant moonbats in charge that today's market is so diverse, it even includes decent normal people disgusted by our liberal rulers' attempts to turn America into Sodom. ... The moral of the story: shop at Lowe's."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Bully's Pulpit

"This is a case where the imperial whim of the President, and the shrewd business acumen of BP, joined forces in the ultimate inside-the-beltway deal."

Are Liberals Breaking Up with Obama?

"When a republic elects an executive leader and commander in chief based on little more than an ethereal charisma, that nation gets what it deserves -- a celebrity president who takes his office about as seriously as the fawning crowds took their votes. Upon such idiotic decisions great civilizations do indeed fall."


It's just sad that we have such an inept man for President.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The TOTUS Made Me Do It

" 'Obama simply had no sense that being President is actually a job that requires skills at governance. He never ran a single thing in his life. It shows. He still thinks governance is giving a speech.' "

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I, Ace of Spades, Also Care Deeply About Obamatrina

Because, with progressives, what matters are intentions.

Obama 2007: "I'll talk to Iran without preconditions." Obama 2010: talking to BP CEO is a waste of time under any conditions!

Pray that it's not too late to undo all the damage Obozo is causing--intentionally?

Shades of Ray Nagin's schoolbuses: miles and miles of oil booms sit unused in warehouses

Is incompetence an impeachable offense?

Interesting Article On Post-Holocaust Europe

" 'Well, I don’t know about "everywhere else," but after World War II, many Jews did attempt to "go home" to Poland. This resulted in the murder of about 1,500 of them — killed not by Nazis but by Poles, either out of sheer ethnic hatred or fear they would lose their (stolen) homes.' "

New Film, ‘The Lottery’: Unions Destroying American Education

Public-sector unions suck.

ObamaCare could wipe out health insurance for 1 million low-income workers

From the comments, the Cloward-Piven strategy: "Destroy the existing structure. Have a vacuum. Then come in with your own plan."

Gaza Flotilla Organizer at Hamas Rally: “Anyone Who Does Not Stand With Palestine Will Be Toppled… World Is Progressing to Islam” (Video)


Sunday, June 6, 2010